Setting up Your Business
PAN **, TAN**, VAT**, CST**, Excise**, Service Tax**, Professional Tax**, EPF Registrations Bank Account, Company Formation, Partnership Firm Registration, ROC Compliances, Government Licensing, Advertisements, Bank Finance, Office Automization.
Project Report
TIM provides you consultancy services by way of preparation of PROJECT REPORTS, DETAILED PROJECT PROFILES, MARKET SURVEYS, DETAILED PROJECT REPORTS and allied services to the existing as well perspective entrepreneurs covering diverse industry sectors like Agro, Auto, Chemicals, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Pharmaceuticals, Electrical/Electronics & Computers, Food Processing, Glass, Ceramics & Mineral-based, Leather, Engineering, Metallurgical, Packaging, Paper & Paper-based, Petroleum & Petro-chemicals, Plastics, Rubber, Textile, Hosiery, Woolen, Jute, Timber Wood-based and even Service Industry.
Office Setup
We help to set up, Staff Management, Customer Relations Management, Office restructuring, Organize Office Functions, Set Up Office Policies & Procedures, Audit Prevention.
We provides you services relating to Insurances, WC Policies, All types of Liasoning work, Helping to purchase the material in best rates & many more related to commercial activities.